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The San Francisco Tesla Society

Presents a free lecture by

Charles Ostman


Approaching the Evolutionary Event Horizon -

Tracking the Emerging Ecology of Bio Convergence,
Cyber Symbiosis and Synthetic Sentience


Sunday, November 11, 2001 1:00 p.m.
at 3220 Sacramento Street (near Lyon)
San Francisco, California

Does the nature of new developing technologies and our new war on terrorism imply that we are approaching a point of no return from which our emerging opportunities and limitations will become permanent and irreversible? How much freedom and power will individuals have? How will our interests and values shape and be shaped by this brave new world? Charles Ostman will address these questions and show us how we are evolving into a collective bio-cyber organism. He will explore the nature of this organism and its influence on how we will live, work and communicate.

Charles Ostman is a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures, a strategic technologies consulting group which provides research, analysis, and business development services to Fortune 500 companies and institutions worldwide, with a particular focus toward examining the synergistic relationships between emergent advanced technologies, and the business environments in which they may be fostered.

Charles has 25+ years experience in the fields of electronics, physics, materials sciences, computing and artificial intelligence, including eight years at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has authored many technical papers, lectures frequently around the country, has contributed content to books and publications including: CyberLife, Secrets, and the SIRS Applied Sciences journal. He has also appeared on KQED’s
Springboard and the Art Bell program.

Email Charles Ostman or visit his website

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Watch Part Two of this presentation, or right click here to download it.

Watch Part Three of this presentation, or right click here to download it.

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For more information about the San Francisco Tesla Society or this event, call (415) 931-2593 or visit us online at .

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