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The San Francisco Tesla Society

presents a free presentation featuring

Edward Ellsworth

"The Dolphin Trail:
Evolution of Man & Dolphin"

Dolphin01.jpg (2460 bytes)

Sunday, December 14, 2008  1 - 5 p.m. at

San Francisco Public Library
Park Branch - Lower Right Entrance
1833 Page Street @ Cole
San Francisco, CA 94117

Evolution in the waters of our planet have led to the successful survival of the dolphins and other marine mammals.  Dolphins and Orca are the most evolved of the whale families, and their trail leads us to the oceans.  The Dolphin Trail is the evolutionary path that the land-based ancestors of dolphins and whales took to evolve back into the rivers, lakes and seas.  Interestingly, humans have some features that suggest they spent some time evolving in water.  Humans have learned independence, which is sometimes a counter-evolutionary trait.  Dolphins have evolved social groups and a style of interdependence that is perhaps a next step for all of us.  Ed will share what he has learned about interdependence from his time with the dolphins.

Janus_proj.jpg (4251 bytes) Ed Ellsworth worked with Dr. John Lilly and the Human/Dolphin Foundation in a dolphin communication study called the JANUS Project.   Ed also worked with the National Marine Fisheries Service to create the permit release process to let dolphins that were captured from the ocean, to be released back to the wild.


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