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The San Francisco Tesla Society

Presents a free presentation by

Jean Pierre Maeder

Zevcatcar01.gif (12493 bytes)

The ZevCat

Zero Emission Vehicles
Using Compressed Air Technology

Sunday September 14, 2003  1:00 p.m.
at 3220 Sacramento Street (near Lyon)
San Francisco, California

Come and hear about a fascinating technology regarding air-powered automobiles that was first discussed by Jules Verne during Nikola Tesla's lifetime. Jules had visions of using compressed air to drive the metro in Paris by 1860. However, it took engineers another 140 years to figure out how to make the technology efficient and provide enough air in storage tanks so that a real world application, such as a personal car could become feasible.

Jean-Pierre Maeder is the CEO and founder of ZEVCAT, INC., a California corporation currently in its first round of funding to establish an automotive dealership that will manufacture and market cars that run on compressed air. A European company that perfected the compressed air technology over the last 12 years holds the patents for the technology.  Mr. Maeder will talk about the air technology, how it works, its applications, and a time line for when these cars are expected to be commercially available in the SF Bay Area. He will also present a video that displays the car in action.

ZevCat offers intriguing synergistic possibilities for cogeneration applications with the new pilot 2 megawatt tidal energy - compressed air power plant under construction by Hydro Venturi in San Francisco Bay as discussed in our May 2003 meeting.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear about a future technology from the past, which could change the way personal transportation is fueled.

For more information about the San Francisco Tesla Society, call (415) 931-2593, or visit us online at .

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